
Pharmaceutical companies suck

Monday, December 4, 2017

Thinking... How many are on painkillers? Anti-anxiety meds? Anti-depressants? Anti-inflammatory? How many medications did you have to try before the doctor found one that "worked for you?" How many times have you had to go back to the same doctor because the "meds aren't working anymore?" Your body is becoming immune to the dosage and increasing tolerance and DEPENDANCY on these medications. Turn your little prescription bottle around and see if it says "do not stop taking without consulting a doctor". Why? Why cant I chose to stop taking them? Because they alter our brains and the way we think and feel on a daily basis. If you wanted to stop taking these medications could you? Your answer is more than likely NO. And at that they smile. Congratulations. The United States alone holds over 45 percent of the global pharmaceutical market. In 2016, this share was valued around 446 billion U.S. dollars. BREAK THE CYCLE. Join the CBD movement!
#hemp #CBDoil #health

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