
Hempworx Testimony

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ann's Testimony!
Hi. A little history. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Pretty much, the collagen in my body is faulty. So, I dislocate easily. It also causes internal issues due to it affects connective tissue. Any it wants to. After years of dislocating things, I have been in severe pain. To the point that the only way to sleep is from total exhaustion, and even then, it lasts maybe 3 hours if I am lucky. I also have migraines which cause non-epileptic seizures(NES), or TIA ...symptoms, due to my nervous system being jacked up from years of chronic pain. I ended up in a wheelchair for 8 months because just walking would set off the nervous system. I couldn't even laugh, or sing, without it shorting out.
I have been on Hempworx CBD oil for 2 months now. I still have bad days, because I still dislocate. However, I am so thankful for this product!! I can now SLEEP!! The pain is low enough to be very tolerable. I haven't had a TIA symptoms, or bad NES issues since starting Hempworx. I now have been able to get off the meds for my nerves. I was never on pain meds because I am allergic to everything. I am walking freely now!! I can even sing!!! I have so missed that. This is just me though. Since that first month, I spread the love....
My dad, who weighs in at 340, has had problems walking due to the pain, so the weight just kept piling on. He start it this past week. He has already taken off 8 lbs because he can go walking now. My son? He has bad migraines, which cause foggy thinking. Add anxiety too. Now? Nope! I LOVE my CBD oil!

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